
Water supplies in Tanzania

Poul Due Jensen Foundation Grundfos has sponsored a large amount of money for two drinking water projects in the village Olosiva in Tanzania.
The projects was established in collaboration between the NGO organization New Life Outreach (NLO) and the Need to Care (NTC)

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A big part of NTC’s work is supplying clothes and other things to people in need. This is an ongoing project, because the needs are enormous.
Many of the organization’s projects takes place in Romania.
The clothing is sorted and packed in boxes in Viborg and then sent to the warehouse in Apahida. From here it is distributed in cooperation with local partners.
When transports are sent abroad, there will always be a NTC’s employee on the location, and together with local partners, they ensure that it reaches the destination and is given out in the right places.

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School and education

The public school is free for everybody, there is no school fee and all teaching and classes are open for all children.
However, many children from poor families do not attend school. The parents do not have money for books, pencils, school bags, school clothes and therefore they do not send their children to school.
NTC wants to help these children. It can be done by giving the children clothes, school bags, etc., so that they have the things that are necessary to complete schooling.
Another way to help is to donate writing booklets and other school materials to a village school or a school class in collaboration with school teachers.

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Rehousing of the family Florin
– a completed project

When NTC’s workers met the family Florin for the first time, it consisted of mother and father, three children aged 1½ years, 4 years and 6 years and child number four coming soon.

They lived in a house that belonged to the farm, Florin and his wife looked after cows, that was theit job. The salary for this work was to be allowed to live in his house, otherwise there was no income.

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